Walker Process Equipment
                            A Division of McNish Corporation

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840 N Russell Ave
Aurora, IL 60506

Fixed Film: Rotary Distributors

Mast Type

Type M RotoSeal rotary distributors distribute wastewater over trickling filter rock or media to ensure uniform filter loading. Inlet water is introduced at the mast or center column and flows out to either 2 or 4 distributor arms through a sealed manifold. The arms are fitted with field-adjustable orifices and spreaders and the mechanism rotation is driven by the hydraulic force of the flow. The Type M is applicable to filter diameters up to 175 feet and nominal flow rates up to 5,000 GPM.

Rotary Distributor

Mast-Tub Type

Type MT RotoSeal rotary distributors are for higher flow rates or larger filter diameters. Type MT design features are similar to Type M with the exception of the inlet design: a large open top tub vs. an enclosed manifold. The Type MT is applicable to filter diameters up to 250 feet and nominal flow rates up to 25,000 GPM.

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